⭐️🌟⭐️ Sarah Greenwood ⭐️🌟⭐️
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⭐️🌟⭐️ Sarah Greenwood ⭐️🌟⭐️

Superstar Consultant


My Story

I was first introduced to Scentsy from my dear friend Nikki. She was the only consultant I knew at the time. I have always loved candles but the idea of a wickless candle that was safer and healthier caught my attention right away! However, at that time, for me and my little family, $30 on a warmer plus money for wax was more than I could do at the time. So three of my closest friends (Nikki, Tiffany, and Jamie) gave me my first Scentsy Warmer (Dragonfly) and Bar of wax (Pumpkin Roll) for my Birthday November 2009. For the next 2 years I bought Scentsy and hosted parties to get free and reduced product to keep my home smelling yummy and support my new habit. As I watched Nikki grow in this amazing business, I thought, “I should start my own business too!! What do I have to lose?” I finally decided to take the plunge and become a consultant in August of 2011. It was really one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am so in love with my job! How many people can say that? Scentsy allows me to have tons of free time with my family, I have traveled many places when I have never traveled before. Because of Scentsy I have a passport and a 10-year wedding anniversary with my hubby that neither of us will ever forget!!! Almost 9 years later and I am just as blessed today in my business as I was day 1!!! Join me on this awesome journey!!

Since the last time I edited this section of my personal website, I have lost my dear friend and mentor. Nikki has a piece of my heart that she took with her. I truly thought I was done with Scentsy after her passing because it just hurt too much! After a few meaningful conversations I knew Nikki would want me to continue. I am so grateful I did and I strive everyday to make her proud. Scentsy has become so much more to me than just a hobby, job, or business. It has become part of me!

Thank you for wanting to know a little bit about me and my Scentsy journey. I really would love for you to join me because it really is more than you realize.

Sarah Greenwood


What's warming in my home